
1. Place all the data in the following structure, and there are 130 scenes in total.

|-- transcg
    |-- scene1/
    |-- scene2/
    |-- ... ...
    |-- scene130/
    |-- models
    |   |-- 0-bottle1.ply               # Model of object 0 (bottle1)
    |   |-- 1-bottle2.ply               # Model of object 1 (bottle2)
    |   |-- ... ...
    |   `-- 59-wash3.ply                # Model of object 59 (wash3)
    |-- camera_intrinsics               # Camera intrinsics
    |   |-- 1-camIntrinsics-D435.npy    # Camera intrinsics for D435 camera
    |   `-- 2-camIntrinsics-L515.npy    # Camera intrinsics for L515 camera
    |-- T_camera2_camera1.npy           # The pose of L515 camera w.r.t. D435 camera
    `-- metadata.json                   # Meta-data for the dataset

2. Detail structure of each scene (take scene1 as an example)
|-- scene1
    |-- 0                               # Perspective 0 (if exists)
    |   |-- corrected_pose              # The refined pose of the transparent objects (w.r.t camera)
    |   |   |-- 0.npy                   # The pose of object 0 w.r.t. D435 camera
    |   |   |-- 32.npy                  # The pose of object 32 w.r.t. D435 camera
    |   |   |-- 42.npy                  # The pose of object 42 w.r.t. D435 camera
    |   |   `-- 47.npy                  # The pose of object 47 w.r.t. D435 camera
    |   |
    |   |-- rgb1.png                    # RGB image of perspective 0 (D435 camera) (if exists)
    |   |-- depth1.png                  # Raw depth image of perspective 0 (D435 camera) (if exists)       
    |   |-- depth1-gt.png               # Refined ground-truth depth image of perspective 0 (D435 camera) (if exists)  
    |   |-- depth1-gt-mask.png          # Transparent object mask for depth image of perspective 0 (D435 camera) (if exists)
    |   |-- depth1-gt-sn.png            # Ground-truth surface normals of perspective 0 (D435 camera) (if exists)
    |   |-- rgb2.png                    # RGB image of perspective 0 (L515 camera) (if exists)    
    |   |-- depth2.png                  # Raw depth image of perspective 0 (L515 camera) (if exists)            
    |   |-- depth2-gt.png               # Refined ground-truth depth image of perspective 0 (L515 camera) (if exists)
    |   |-- depth2-gt-mask.png          # Transparent object mask for depth image of perspective 0 (L515 camera) (if exists)
    |   `-- depth2-gt-sn.png            # Ground-truth surface normals of perspective 0 (L515 camera) (if exists)
    |-- 1                               # Perspective 1 (if exists)
    |   |-- same structure as 0
    |-- ... ...
    |-- 239                             # Perspective 239 (if exists)
    |   |-- same structure as 0
    `-- metadata.json                   # Meta-data for the scene.


Copyright © 2021 Machine Vision and Intelligence Group, Shanghai Jiao Tong University.